Halloween Animated Decorations Halloween Ghost Decorations Animated Props Hanging Skeleton Flying Ghost Decor with Glowing Red Eyes for Yard Outdoor Indoor Party (White A, 1 PCS)

Halloween Ghost Decorations Animated Props Hanging Skeleton Flying Ghost Decor with Glowing Red Eyes for Yard Outdoor Indoor Party (White A, 1 PCS)

Halloween Ghost Decorations Animated Props Hanging Skeleton Flying Ghost Decor with Glowing Red Eyes for Yard Outdoor Indoor Party (White A, 1 PCS) post thumbnail image

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➤Material -Fabric + Plastic

➤Battery powered, requires 3 AA (not included)

➤2 Styles, 39 ” tall for Style1, cheaper, 70.8″ for style 2, the expensive one

➤Skeleton Ghost Halloween Decoration is Voice Activated!

➤Skeleton Ghost is Animated! Shakes its arms and chains while screaming and Begging for Mercy!

➤Glowing Red LED eyes and amazing sound Design, A must have for Halloween Party!

Product Features

  • ➤Material -Fabric + Plastic
  • ➤2 Styles, 39 ” tall for Style1, cheaper, 70.8″ for style 2, the expensive one
  • ➤Battery powered, requires 3 AA (not included).Skeleton Ghost Halloween Decoration is Voice Activated!
  • ➤Skeleton Ghost is Animated! Shakes its arms and chains while screaming and Begging for Mercy!
  • ➤Glowing Red LED eyes and amazing sound Design, A must have for Halloween Party!

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